


Ancient Egyptian Calligraphy: A beginner's guide to writing hieroglyphs



If my use of the term “calligraphy\" may seem pretentious, it nonetheless states my aim, which is to encourage a better standard in writing Egyptian hieroglyphs. This emphasis is rather different from that of Johanna Diitmar’s recent Hieroglyphen-Schreibfibel , which primarily seeks to simplify the signs to the point that they can be easily executed. In either case the result is something of a compromise, for I too have proposed a degree of simplification that may not always correspond to what the ancient Egyptians would have done. That is inevitable, since the ancient scribe would not ordinarily have written hieroglyphs in ink without simplifying them to a still greater degree.  Artificial as it is, the style adopted here nonetheless seeks to avoid forms that are alien or grossly inaccurate.

* Párrafo del texto extraído como resumen.

Fischer, H. (1988). Ancient Egyptian Calligraphy: A beginner\'s guide to writing hieroglyphs. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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